my,your,his,her,its,our,their 5

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Suddenly the children see an old woman. It's grandmother.
The farmer is a very generous(=vrijgevig) man. He gives George horse.
Aunt Mary is sitting at the table. Peter fills glass with juice.
Harry sees a woman walking very slowly. It's mother.
Peter takes an apple out of the schoolbag. It's apple.
We take the guitars and start to play. music is great.
Captain Clark drives a yellow sports car. It's car.
We meet Drew and Mary in the circus. They are friends.
I need a pen. Can you lend me pen?
Tom and Robert like to eat fish and chips. It's favourite food.
Carol and Jane do not like classroom because it's old.
Where are Charles and Tom? When is tennis match? I want to watch it.
We cannot come on Saturday. It's father's birthday.
My brother always washes new car on Sunday.
I don't know the time because I can't find watch.

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